How To Make At Least 100 Dollars A Day Online

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People have been asking me whether it’s possible to make online.
Most people think that making a living online requires rocket science. This cannot be further from the truth.

Well, what I’m about to tell you will blow your mind.

There is power in simplicity.

People have a tendency to overcomplicate things when they are trying to accomplish anything in life. The reality is that the solution to any problem in life – the way to be successful, is so simple that it’s almost unbelievable.
Stop looking at the big picture! Break the problem down into little pieces!

That’s right – simple changes.

If you try to think about how you will make a million dollars, you’ll feel too overwhelmed to even get started. If you make a decision to change one habit in your life, one that is holding you back, or learn one skill, you can accomplish this faster than you can imagine.

Simplicity is simply powerful.

Let’s see a demonstration. It’s derived from the No #1 New York bestselling book, The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy.

However, earning $100 a day online is not as easy as it sounds because it takes a proven method than just a few lucky sales on Amazon or Adsense clicks to hit that number consistently.
It also means you have enough online marketing guts to make it on your own without that mediocre 9 to 5 dead-end grind that everybody is touting.

What simple changes can you make in your life that will bring about financial success?

The Magic Penny

“If you were given a choice between taking 3 million dollars in cash this very moment and a single penny that doubles in value every day for 31 days, which would you choose? If you’re like most people you will take the $3 million cold cash!

Let’s say you take the cold hard cash and your friend (let’s call her Penny) goes the penny route. On Day Five, your friend has sixteen cents. You, however, still have $3 million. On Day Ten, it’s $5.12 versus your big bucks. How do you think your friend is feeling about her decision? You’re spending your millions, enjoying the heck out of it, and loving your choice.

After 20 full days, with only 11 days left, Penny has only $5,243. How is she feeling about herself at this point? For all her sacrifice and positive behavior, she has barely more than $5,000. However, you have $3 million.
Then the invisible magic of the Compound Effect starts to become visible. The same small mathematical growth improvement each day makes the compounded penny worth $10,737,418.24 on Day Thirty-one, more than three times your $3 million”.
In this demonstration, we see why simplicity and consistency over time are so important. On Day Twenty-nine, you’ve got your $3 million; Penny has around $2.7 million. It isn’t until Day Thirty of this 31-day race that she pulls ahead, with $5.3 million.
And it isn’t until the very last day of this month long ultra-marathon that your friend blows you out of the water; she ends up with $10,737,418.24 against your $3 million.
The Magic Penny
Let’s go back to our topic: “How To Make At Least 100 Dollars A Day Online”.

If you can make $100 a day that’s enough cash to live almost anywhere in the world without doing a 9 to 5 job.

Don’t be fooled by thousands of get-rich-quick schemes and $5 eBooks being sold to you every day through Facebook, WhatsApp messages and unsolicited emails.
If you can make $100 per day then you can silence your detractors because you have the validation you need to show them.

More importantly, once you know how to make $100 per day, you can easily scale up your income to $200, $500, $1,000, $5000 and even, $10,000 per day.
To make $100 a day you need to discover a proven method, but what I’m going to share here is the power of simplicity.
Do you know that most people tend to overcomplicate life just to look or feel important? In fact most people prefer to feel important than to wear jeans and overalls to engage in dirty work.
Guess what? The money is in the dirty work!
The great inventor, Thomas Edison once said: “opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”
And you can take to the bank whatever Thomas Edison said because the guy invented the light bulb, and co-founded General Electric – one of the largest multinational companies in the world.
If you can get rid of your pride, self-ego, megalomania, self-centeredness, selfishness and your comfort zone, and look for real work, then the world is your oyster.
Are you ready to make $100 a day online?
By the way, the millions of people who make this kind money will never talk about it because, what the heck – they live comfortably. So why bother telling others?
Let me ask you this question: Do you believe that it’s possible to make a monthly income online?
Then come with me and I’ll show you how…
There are myriad methods to make a living online, but the problem is not with the methods. The problem is with you (sorry! did I say that?).
Want to know how you can solve the problem?
Even if I delivered to you on a silver platter, exactly what you should do to make a living online, you will not succeed if you don’t first solve this problem.
You will keep buying a ton of worthless $5 eBooks thinking there’s a particular secret to make money online, which you will never even read anyway.
That’s why millions of people around the world will never make a living online, even if the grand formula were shoved down their throats.
The problem is as old as the world. Ancient Mesopotamians knew about it. Ancient Egyptians knew about it. Ancient Greeks knew about it - that’s why they produced some of the greatest philosophers the world has ever known - which we still read in our schools today.
Ready for this?
It’s called SELLING!
This is what the people making a comfortable living online don’t talk about. Instead they’ll sell you tons of eBooks and worthless courses, while they continue to enjoy the honey, but they’ll never talk about selling.
Yes, many people are afraid of selling. You know why? They’re proud, selfish, arrogant, boastful, self-centered, egoistic, megalomaniac, etc…
The best and fastest way to make any amount of money and make a comfortable living online, is to kill these arrogant demons out of your mind.
How do you do it?
You can only do it by reverse-engineering your own psychology and sell it to other people.
What do I mean by this?
For example, how do you feel when you attempt to sell something to someone? You’re ashamed and scared stiff – right? In fact your prospect will never know you sell anything because you never asked any questions...
That’s exactly how millions of people feel about selling. And that’s why millions will never make any money online or offline.
Selling is not what most people think it is. Selling is about solving other people’s problems. In fact you should never sell anything. You should just talk about something.
You begin by asking questions that are relevant to the problem you can solve, like:
What soap do you use for washing clothes?
What do you eat for breakfast?
What books do you read?
What movies do you watch?
That being said, you MUST learn how to overcome this problem if you want to make a living online.
Once you break this jinx, you can go out there, make a comfortable income online and live like a king.
Notice that millions of people are making a comfortable living online, but they’ll never talk about it for the simple reason that, well, what the heck – they don’t care. They’re making a comfortable living online, so why should they care to tell you?
Want to know what this secret marketing psychology is all about?
I’ve actually written a little eBook on how to make 100 dollars per day, but this is not as important as learning how to use the secret marketing psychology to sell almost anything without being ashamed or afraid about it.
This secret is hidden in an almost forgotten bestselling classic written decades ago, by one of the greatest masters of our time, Dale Carnegie.
This book is packed with practical examples to get anything you want, as long you’re ready to apply the skills in the book. The book, which has been read by every salesman in the world, has sold over 30 million copies worldwide, and translated into more than 36 languages.
A word of warning: The techniques in this book can bring harm to your target audience if not used responsibly.
You can get it right here.
If you prefer, you can also download an audio version of the book here.
Once you’ve read the book, you can come back and download my little eBook about the exact methods you can use to earn 100 dollars per day online. These methods are a culmination of research conducted on proven methods used by thousands of people to make a living entirely online
You can download it here.
Enjoy it, but buy me a cup of tea once you get to making at least $100 a day (I love tea).


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