How To Start Your Own Business and Quit Your Dead-End 9-5 Day Job

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One of the most heralded accomplishments in today’s mostly urban culture is securing the coveted 9 to 5 job. The prospects of a monthly pay-check with full benefits, and a loving community of fellow office workers striving towards a similar goal as laid out in a staff manual by a board of directors, is regarded as the ultimate achievement.
After all, landing a decently paying job after years of hard work, investing time and money to earn that prestigious college degree is an opportunity only a few people can refuse.
However, after only a few years or even months, of mechanical monotony accompanied with a few salary raises and promotions, we soon realize that we’re getting deeper into debt than we’re able to get out. And as we struggle through the “rat-race”, the prospect of saving enough money for ourselves and our children’s future becomes ever more elusive.
At this point, most of us just give up and let the rat-race roller coaster lead us to an unknown “black hole” retirement destination and a pension check we’re not even sure, will take us anywhere.
Most of us begin to realize that we’ve actually been drugged into a vicious rat-race cycle working a 9 to 5 job for a boss we don’t particularly care about.
Sooner than later, just like a cigarette smoker longs to quit from that dreadful habit, we start looking for ways to quit our precious 9 to 5 job into the unknown world of business.
By this time, the idea of spending a servitude for the rest of our miserable lives, working hard to make someone else happy while we trade away our precious time and ideas, begins to haunt us.
Some of us are brave enough to quit our jobs, without even thinking of the risks and consequences involved. And yet others, while fully aware that someone else actually controls our financial destiny, continue loyally, to work in our 9 to 5 job hoping for a promotion, knowing very well that the boss may "pull-the-plug" anytime.
If you’re considering quitting your job don’t do it just yet. Starting a business is a big decision that you need to take with a lot of soberness, thoughtfulness and planning.
However, if you’re like me you will plunge into business without even thinking and no one on earth will be able to convince you otherwise. You will not even want to hear the word “caution”.
Anyway, if you’re convinced that starting a business is the way to go, here are some steps you can take to minimize risk(s).
Before embarking on anything serious in business, I would start by investing some money on a business course to turn myself into an entrepreneur.
There are very good reasons for this…
1.         Support
Seek the support of your spouse, family and friends, and let them be aware of your intentions openly discussing ways to mitigate risks without causing much turmoil. Increasingly, more people are turning to entrepreneurship these days due to declining job openings.
At times, your spouse or even family and friends, may go against your business idea, but if you plan it well and present it professionally, they may even become your biggest fans.
2.         Start A Part-Time Business
Starting a part-time business or side hustle while maintaining your 9 to 5 day job could be a good idea. If you have the support of your family they might even become your first employees.
3.         Leverage Your Cash or Savings
Don’t quit your day job before your business can generate enough cash to cover your monthly expenses.
Business comes with many risks and there’s no guarantee that your business will succeed the first time. Failure is one of the most valuable lessons you can learn in business, and learning from your mistakes can often result in your make-or-break for survival and sustainability of your business against challenges in future.
4.         Find A Niche Market
Identify a profitable niche market whose needs are unfulfilled or whose demand has not been met. Don’t copy what others are doing, but find a weakness in what others are doing poorly and do it better. In the business world it’s quite easy to outdo your competition even in an existing market. By providing better quality services you can even draw hungry customers to your side.
One of my favorite business sectors is the food industry. There will never be a time when humans stop eating. One interesting fact about the food industry is that you can enter at any point in the large food supply chain and make money (e.g. farming, distribution, hotels, restaurants, catering etc.).
Service delivery is often the differentiating factor and one that can put you ahead of the competition in this highly competitive (and profitable) industry.
5.         Approaching Your Soft Market
First approach your soft market (friends, colleagues, acquaintances and references) and pitch your offer, proposal, product or service. There will always be takers.
6.         Approach Your Hard Market
Approach your unknown or hard market (niche market, references, etc) and pitch your offer, product or service. You can easily find and identify a niche market in many forums and social networks on the internet.
If you have some testimonials or references from your soft market, you can leverage this to pitch your offer, product or service to your hard market.
7.         Offer a FREE service
Offer a FREE service to get testimonials, reputation, references and credibility.
8.         Leverage Your Skills or Experience
Leverage your strengths – skills, experience, ideas and passion. Businesses face many risks and failure often very common. Your skills, experience and passion are often what’s left after a business failure. Passion is what drives you and keeps your dream alive even when you do not have cash.
According to an article in FastCompany, "Why Most Venture Backed Companies Fail," 75% of venture-backed startups fail. The statistic was based on a study by Harvard Business School’s professor Shikhar Ghosh.
In a study by Statistic Brain, Startup Business Failure Rate by Industry, the failure rate of all U.S. companies after five years was over 50%, and over 70% after 10 years.
No matter how much you love your career, most of the times the only thing that keeps you in a 9 to 5 job is money, so this is what you need to take control of for yourself using your own means. You need some type of a job, but to have control over your destiny you also need to become your own boss.
You need to find a way to create value by yourself. Create something that people will be willing to pay for like a product or a service. This way you get paid for the value you provide to other people. There is no pay scale so you don’t have a salary limit and you can put in as many hours as you want.
Figuring out how you can get people to pay you for something you actually want to provide is the key. Once you’ve done that, you’ll probably be able to figure out the practical steps you need to take to create this for yourself. You idea probably won’t be totally original so discovering how other people have achieved it would be a good start.
Most people don’t have the tenacity to do this but it offers a way out of the rat race. I know this is a gross simplification of the whole process, but I’m hoping it has given you enough information and motivation to get started.
Before getting into business, a good business education is considered the best investment you can ever make. If you really want competitive edge, here are some good business courses from some of the best business institutions:

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